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agency with clever ideas

SEO and marketing

Search engine optimization – SEO

We offer the service of search engine optimization to all our clients, to make their search engine results standings much better.


What is SEO and why do you need it?

Search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo search for website, which contains answers for terms and phrases that people type into the search engines. In other words, websites are a set of answers to certain questions.


The goal of SEO is to adjust content of websites or e-shops,

  • so each page of website can be reached by search engine‘s robots
  • and each page of website had unique content with no duplicity.
  • Content provides answers to people‘s questions using the same keywords and terms.
  • Text content should be well-aranged and unique compared to the whole internet.
  • Title and description of each page should reflect the content.
  • Pages of website need to be logically and cleverly linked together.
  • External links, which lead to your website must always be valuable, harmless and have relative content to your website
  • and so on.


Backlinks are a very important part of SEO that has a major impact on position of your website in search engine results. BeCLEVER agency offers link building service to all clients.



Online marketing

We offer our customers complete online marketing services, from the strategy and campaign setup to the long-term management.


We can help you with:


PPC campaigns in SERP

It‘s a goal of every company on the internet to be 1st in search engine result page or SERP. However it's not easy to achieve this goal in organic search results, especially for startups companies or other new projects.

Pay-per-click campaigns are great way how to be visible on the internet. You can get ahead of your competitors in search engine result page and be able to control your spendings.



Retargeting offers a way to reach customers who have already visited your site or e-shop. Very often, this kind of online advertising is used, for example, when a visitor fails to complete an order and leaves an e-shop with a full shopping cart. With retargeting, customers can see banners on the internet with a reminder of what they have forgotten in their cart.



Advertising on social media

The main advantage of social network advertising is the ability to accurately target on your potential customers. This ability is not currently provided by any other platform. Ads on social media are suitable for short-term campaigns to attract attention to new product or for long-term branding campaigns.



Email marketing

Sending commercial emails to your existing customers is one of the most effective ways to promote sales of products and services.

For our clients, we create short-term or long-term emailing campaigns, which include creating email templates, sending emails and delivering detailed reports.


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